Helpful information as you conduct your research and report on it

This video describes some basic aspects of qualitative research design: What information do you need to answer your RQ, and how will you gather it? It discusses sources of information, number of participants, and options for comparative design.

This video describes some of the problems students may run into when developing research questions, and how to avoid them.

This video describes 4 different approaches to qualitative research: case study, narrative, phenomenology, and ethnography.

This video describes strategies for increasing validity and reliability in qualitative research. Validation strategies begin with participant selection and extensive engagement with them, and also include member checking and triangulation. Reliability is enhanced through bracketing, journaling, and robust description.

This video describes some of the implications of positionality in qualitative research in social sciences, education, and the humanities. The Maori scholar who is quoted but not cited by name is Linda Tuhiwai Smith.